Building Giancarlo Zema Design Group Floating Eco-Resort MIEEG Range Extender: 100kWe Endurance: +500% Powertrain weight: -80% R.E. < 15x20cm (L*D) Weight: order of 10-12kg (alternator included) Aviation Tesi UAV - UGV MIEEG Range Extender: 100kWe Endurance: +500% Powertrain weight: -80% R.E. < 15x20cm (L*D) Weight: order of 10-12kg (alternator included) Automotive Mazzanti Automobili Hypercar MIEEG Range extender: 200-300kWe Power train weight: -90% Endurance: +600% R.E < 35x25cm (L*D) Weight: order of 10-15kg (alternator included) Drones X-Ender Heavy Drones - 200KG Drones MIEEG Range Extender: 80-120kWe Endurance: +500% Power train weight: -80% R.E. < 15x20cm (L*D) Weight: order of 10-12kg (alternator included) Shipping iSPACE2o Yacht - Submarine MIEEG Range Extender: 100kWe Endurance: +500% Power train weight: -80% R.E. < 15x20cm (L*D) Weight: order of 10-12kg (alternator included)