Angelo Minotti, CEO and founder of MIEEG, was interviewed by Meccanica magazine in the February issue.

MIEEG, the “twin” start-up of MIPRONS, is pursuing the goal of overcoming the limits of batteries, fuel cells and classic renewable energy systems, offering an innovative solution for the automotive, boating, drones and housing sectors.
“Born in July 2019 MIEEG is developing a project which consists of the economic-commercial exploitation of a patent for the generation of electricity. The award-winning invention seeks to overcome the limitations of batteries and mechanical systems, combining their advantages. The idea comes from comparing the energy density of batteries and that of liquid fuels, mainly methane and hydrogen. Under theoretical conditions, the energy density of liquid fuel can be hundreds of times greater than that of the best battery. This means that, for the same size, you could have a system with greater autonomy or a much smaller system with the same autonomy”.
What are the distinctive features of the MIEEG electric generator?
“MIEEG stands above state of the art and stands out for its small size: high performance; high efficiency, scalability, integration with green energy systems (such as wind or solar), to obtain a hybrid macro system with high ACF (Annual Capacity Factor): “green” propellant (for example methane or hydrogen, coming from wastewater)”.
What are the main uses?
This system can have various uses. For example, as a range extender for battery systems, which have the main limitations in their duration, high weight-volume ratio and long recharge time; simultaneously reducing the weight and volume of the battery, therefore ideal on drones, electric cars, helicopters, planes with equipment, ships, campers, etc. A second essential use is as an energy generator in homes, hospitals, smart islands, etc. In particular, integrated with green systems, it can exploit the excess energy to self-produce hydrogen from wastewater to obtain circular hybrid energy systems, with which to feed new housing-infrastructural concepts, independent from an energy point of view”.
MIEEG has signed five co-development agreements with companies in the automotive, boating, drones and housing sectors. What is the next application field to test?
“The co-development contracts allow the generator to be implemented in various fields. Among these, the synergy with X-Ender has the goal of extending the autonomy of their drone by at least 3-5 times, in the prevention/management of fires over large expanses. For iSPACE2o Deepseaker, a project that aims to create a hydrofoil-submersible both for pleasure boating and for public utility missions such as sea rescue and scientific research, MIEEG is developing an 80-120 kWe hydrogen-air generator, to recharge the batteries that drive the motors of the vessel. The use of this power system will allow the lithium battery pack to be reduced from the 600 kg needed to provide up to 240 minutes of navigation and 30 minutes of diving, down to 80-100 kg. The weight savings will be used to load hydrogen, making it possible to extend navigation on the surface at least 5-7 times in a green and sustainable way. The collaboration agreement signed with TESI, a company engaged in the development of technological platforms that with electric propulsion meet the future needs of sustainable mobility, is aimed at the creation of innovative, high-autonomy, hydrogen-powered platforms. Finally, MIEEG will be integrated into the WaterNest, new generation houseboats, thanks to the agreement signed with Giancarlo Zema Design Group. The collaboration aims to reduce the battery pack from 900 kg to 80-100 kg, using the saved weight to charge hydrogen, self-produced by exploiting the excess energy of the relative solar panels and the water of the basin in which they float. In addition to these five co-development contracts, MIEEG is negotiating three other agreements with companies operating in the nautical, fishing and industrial world”.